OEATA is an exciting and dynamic organization, with positive recognition growing for its work in organizations that serve communities across Ontario. There were attendees as well from other provinces, and people doing some of the most challenging work a person can do to draw others from their current state into a creative and self-possessed frame of mind. Often Expressive art therapists are working with people in institutions and people who are post-traumatic or survivors of recent crisis. Expressive Art is a therapeutic practice, and it is creating mental healing and meaning for those who pursue its benefits through many special techniques and approaches, a practice that brings freeing results.
The meeting is always as lively and inspiring as are the registered psychotherapists and practitioners in attendance, who dedicate their professional lives to helping others with these specialized modalities. One of the things that is notable about OEATA is how much they care about enhancing the professional development of their other members, truly an organization that cares.