Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Climate Change Notes

Climate Change is real and I like to learn everything I can about it and devote myself to making the change. I know we can get through this as a planet but we all have to work together. I recently watched the film “The Soil Solution to Climate Change” by Jill Cloutier and Jill Hirashima, and it was very helpful. I learned these fascinating things about the power of soil and grazing in agriculture to recapture carbon and put it back in the ground. The solution to global warming and climate change is truly right under our feet! I liked the Ted talk so much that I made it into this recording. I tried to include all the most important details. There is a lot to know, but not a lot to do! Just free the grazing animals and let them fix the problem. Okay, it’s not quite that simple, but it is certainly one of the more important Ted Talks out there! I hope you enjoy my artwork in response to their research! Climate change can be tackled if we all work together.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

How Visual Recording Can Help Start-Ups!

Tired of seeing an idea that you dismissed as fanciful suddenly become someone else’s business reality? The only difference is that they strategically designed the project stages required to make it happen!  Ever feel some of your best ideas never translated into a real business with a real plan and the right momentum forward? Your ideas are bound to benefit enormously from the services of a Graphic Recorder. It may sound like an offbeat idea, but having the services of a Graphic Recorder who cares about the health of your fledgling concepts could be the advantage that puts you ahead. While Graphic Recording generally serves groups, it is a little-known fact that I can also be contracted to sit down one-on-one with individuals exploring personal planning. This includes planning Start-Ups. Invite me in when you need to create an attractive mind-map of fresh ideas and see what else it launches! Many entrepreneurs praise the mind-map as essential to their start-up process, a proven crusher of fears and unanswered questions. In fact, you’ll find it included as part of the “tool kit” of many business start-up resources, although lacking the personal one-on-one with someone who cares and asks questions along the way. That's what I can do. If required, we can also walk through a business planning session together, with illustrations for your start-up ideas involving concept, niche, funding, marketing, product and so on. Not only does an attractive visual map of your session give you a sense of commitment to your ideas, it serves as a guide for your next planning stages. I have also studied project management and marketing concepts at university, so you know you’re in good hands. Contact me @ and we can arrange a meeting. Make business dreamin’ fun and make your small business ideas come to life!

OEATA looks to 2024 at year-end AGM

  It was my great honour to graphically record the year-end AGM of OEATA, looking forward into 2024.  OEATA is an exciting and dynamic organ...